
Fate of Missing Socks
Laundry: A Quantum Mechanical Approach by: Brian J. Reardon It has been argued that the act of doing laundry followed the discovery of clothing by only a few weeks. While this fact has been regarded to be fantastically trivial, one can not ignore the enigmas that the act of doing...

Septic System Safe Toilet Paper
Septic system repairs are not cheap and can cost from $5,000 to $20,000 or more, depending on where you live and the condition of your system. However, if taken care of properly, they can last for longer than you own your home. One of the ways to take care of...

How to Find a Septic Tank
How to Locate a Septic Tank It is not easy to find a septic tank. The first thing to do is contact the local health/zoning office to see if they have a plan on record. If the system is fairly new you have a chance, but many states didn’t start keeping records until...

Laundry Chute Information
Laundry chutes can be a very convenient way of transporting dirty clothes to the laundry room. However, some people are concerned that laundry chutes might be a fire hazard, helping spread flames upward. Are they? Here is what some experts have to say on the topic: “They can have a...

Mound Septic System Information
Mound Septic System Information Page A mound septic system is used for aberrant soil conditions. In order for effluent (waste water) to be completely treated it must pass slowly through 3 feet of dry soil. If you have a high water table, lets say at 1 foot below the surface, you need to bring...

It’s not about laundry. It’s about love!
Los Angeles, October 9, 2016.Open letter to all our customers:A few days ago, one of our customers, Mr. K, purchased one of our products, a Superpop washer and it was delivered in a little bit more than 24 hours.Unfortunately the machine was damaged by that famous cargo company and it...

Stain Removal General Advice
Buy your stain removal and other cleaning products from a janitorial supply store, instead of the supermarket. These stores can provide you with better, cheaper cleaning products. They are also more knowledgeable when it comes to stain removal, and will provide you with better advice than you could get from...

Laundry Room Design
In recent years there has been a major trend towards more upscale laundry room design. Part of this is due to the stylish design of some newer, high-end washers and dryers. In many ways, this is a positive trend; people spend time in their laundry rooms, and want them to...

Home Dry Cleaning Kits
Q. What is a home dry cleaning kit? A. A home dry cleaning kit supposedly can offer consumers substantial cost savings and convenience by allowing them to dry clean clothes from the comfort of their homes. For example, the Custom Cleaner advertising materials claim that it allows you to “conveniently remove...

New Mini Washing Machine from Brazil
There is a new concept mini washing machine from Brazil. On the surface, it appears to be very similar to many other mini washers. However the inventor claims it is much quieter, which would be a major breakthrough. Most mini washers are inexpensive, but quite loud. As washing machine cycles can be...

Laundry Product Helps Prevent Skin Cancer
Most people know to protect their skin if they are going to exposed to prolonged sunlight. However, many people don’t realize that UV radiation can penetrate clothing, particularly lighter and thinner clothing. Rit SunGuard is a one of a kind product that helps block UV radiation. Rather than putting it...

Laundry Tips
Blood, Fresh & Dried Rinse fresh blood stains in cold running water and rub with soap. Repeat. For stain removal of dried stains, first scrape or rub off as much dried blood as possible. Soak in warm water using a product which contains enzymes. Wash. If this doesn’t work, rewash the item...