Septic Products – Filtrol 160 Septic Tank Filter

By Corey Tournet August 24, 2018

A septic system filter at Laundry Alternative like our Filtrol 160 septic protector is cleverly designed to prevent washing machine lint from clogging up your septic system. Buying a septic protector today can save you tens of thousands of dollars and lots of frustration…like backhoes digging up your yard to install an ugly mound system.

Septic tank maintenance involves many factors, including filtering the lint from your washing machine. You’d be surprised to know that most lint screens and nylon socks only filter out 5% of lint from your system. You wonder why they are even used at all! Our septic filters are conversely known to remove 99% of lint particles compared to alternative methods, ensuring that your septic system maintenance is minimal and that it functions properly for years to come.

This small investment prevents huge maintenance costs in the future on your septic system. Septic systems are designed to carry your washing water waste to the sewage system. When the drain field becomes clogged with lint, the “black” water cannot penetrate the soil, and as a result is not treated, resulting in odors and unsanitary conditions. A septic tank filter can easily prevent costly fixes that would otherwise be necessary to your system.

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