
Stain Removal P
Pillows Feather: To ensure best results, have feather pillows professionally cleaned. Wash in cool water using a mild detergent, and do not use heat or sunlight to dry. Heat can release oils in the feathers, causing them to smell. You can fluff up feather pillows by running them through the dryer on a no-heat...

Stain Removal O
Odors The key to getting rid of odors is eliminating the source- not just covering up the odors with fragrances. The best way to eliminate organic messes is through the use of a bacteria/enzyme digester. Digesters actually eat the source of the odor, completely eliminating it. The best product to...

Stain Removal N
Neckties It is best to dry clean silk neckties. Keep in mind that they can be difficult to restore, even for professional cleaners. Some stains can be removed at home using dry cleaning fluid. Nylon Nylon’s static electricity attracts dirt and grime. If these particles work their way into the...

Stain Removal L
Lace Lace is delicate and needs to be handled carefully. Lace items can be washed by placing them in a jar with lukewarm water and Eucalan Woolwash. First add the water and detergent, then close the lid and shake well to dilute the detergent. Remove the lid, immerse the lace,...

Stain Removal J
Juice Stains Juice stains can be removed with Oxyboost, and oxygen bleach. Make a 1-2 tablespoon per quart solution of oxygen bleach dissolved in hot water and apply to the stains. The oxygen in the cleaner breaks down the juice stains.

Stain Removal I
Ice cream Scrape and blot as much as possible first. Sponge with cool water, until no more stain comes out. Washables: For washable garments, apply a laundry pretreatment aid and wash in cool water, then air dry. If the stain is still there, sponge with a 50:50 mix of water and...

Stain Removal H
Handbags About 95 percent of handbags can be cleaned (inside and out) using a cloth dampened in mild soap or detergent solution. Wipe dry, taking care not to wet the handbag any more than necessary. The shoulder strap, grip or handle gets the most body contact, so let the solution sit there for...

Stain Removal F
Flameproof Garments Do not wash flameproof fabrics in boiling water or with bleach. Wash in cool water, and rinse well. Always use a detergent when washing flameproof garments. If you accidentally wash them in soap, rewash in detergent to restore flame retardency. Flannel Use cool water for any flameproofed flannel items such as pajamas....

Stain Removal E
Embroidered Items.Wash in hand-hot water using a mild detergent. Rinse well, and starch if necessary

Stain Removal D
Denim If you need to soak denims, use cool water and an enzyme pre-wash compound. Detergents Liquid detergents usually do a better job of removing greasy, oily stains, whereas powdered detergents are normally cheaper and better for removing mud and clay. Another advantage of powders is that they are often better at preventing...

Stain Removal C
Cashmere Wash carefully by hand, using cool water and a wool-washing detergent such as Eucalan Woolwash. Cashmere should not be wrung, however it can be spin-dried. Chapstick Since chapstick is a petroleum grease based product a good concentrated grease removal product should work like pinesol or citrasolv. Natural Choices has a product called Orange Power...

Stain Removal B
Baby Clothes You may wish to spray nice outfits with a soil retardant, such as Scotch-gard. This will allow you to wipe off stains before they sink in. Make sure not to wash flame-resistant sleepwear in any soap products. Presoak serious potty stains, using Oxy-Boost or an enzyme detergent. Breast...