Drain Field Rejuvenation

By Corey Tournet August 27, 2018

Drain field failure is actually pretty easy to understand. When a system fails, the tank itself doesn’t fail- the drainfield soil fails. In most cases the soil fails when it gets plugged up with solids and won’t allow liquid to pass through it. Forexample, it can get plugged with solids from the tank if the tank hasn’t been pumped, or with lint from a washing machine. Now for your drain field rejuvenation secrets:

If Your Drain Field Fails

Drain field rejuvenation is save you a great deal of money, compared with the cost of replacing the drain field. In quite a few cases, a tune-up can fix your system and you can avoid the high costs of replacing the drain field. This tuneup includes properly pumping the tank, cleaning (jetting) the drain field lines, and installing washing machine and effluent filters. If these measures are not sufficient, some failed systems can be rejuvenated by fracturing the soil. This process utilizes a hollow tube inserted into the soil, then a 300 pound blast or air is injected into the soil creating thousands of tiny fissures. These fissures allow the drainfield to drain, creating an oxygen atmosphere and the aerobic bacterial colonies to repopulate. Aerobic bacteria, which require oxygen, typically live in the top 26 inches of the drainfield and process waste much more quickly than anaerobic bacteria. This process can be performed in a matter of hours with no digging or damage to the yard. One company which performs this service is Terralift International (http://www.terraliftinternational.com).

If you have a drain field with clay soil which has become plugged due to sodium from wastewater binding with the clay, Septic Seep can help. These product releases sodium bonded clays and reopens soil, restoring passages air and water. It also has the benefit of dispersing greases and scums that clog the soil.

Use a washing machine filter.

Did you know that washing machines are a leading cause of drain field failure? The primary culprit is lint generated by washing machines, which clogs the soil in drain fields. Did you know that a typical family washing machine produces enough lint each year to carpet and entire living room floor! Lint screens and nylon traps found in hardware stores trap 5% or less of these particles. Because they are so light and small, the lint particles do not settle out in the septic tank. Instead, they stay in suspension and are flushed out to the drain field, where they plug up the pores of the soil bed.

To compound the problem, much of our clothing is now manufactured with synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon. These substances are not biodegradable, and will not break down in a septic system. Instead, they accumulate and plug the soil. Once these materials enter the soil, there is no way to remove them.

The good news is that lint can be prevented from entering the septic system through the use of a reusable, inline filter which attaches to your washing machine discharge hose. The filter, called the Filtrol 160, retails for $139.95. Even if your drain field rejuvenation efforts are not successful, you will still want to filter lint to help prevent the same problem from. For more tips on septic system maintenance, go to http://www.laundry-alternative.com/septic_system_maintenance.htm

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