
Apartment Size Washer and Dryer Alternatives
When most people think of an apartment size washer and dryer, they immediately think of a front loading washer dryer. However, while in some cases that is a good solution, there are some other viable alternatives. Before buying new or used apartment size washer and dryers, go through all of your...

Why Spin Dryers Rock
The USA could save 6-10% of all home energy consumption simply by using spin dryers. That may seem like an outrageous statement but it’s true. Conventional tumble dryers are energy hogs, they use 5000+ watts and run for a long time. On the other hand, spin dryers use 100 TIMES less...

Mini Countertop Clothes Dryer
For many people living in apartments and other small spaces, one of the main questions is how to do dry the clothes? There is often no washer dryer hookup, or even if there is, little to no space to install a large dryer. There are some very small, compact, countertop...

Jumping Spin Dryer
As a company which has specialized in spin dryers for many years, we found this video not only hilarious but also true. One of the basic rules of spin dryer quality is, all spin dryers are the same, until you run a load with clothes in it. We’ve seen some otherwise interesting spin...

World’s Fastest Mini Clothes Dryer
The Vapper Dryer is by far the world’s fastest mini clothes dryer. It can fully dry a t-shirt in well under 10 minutes. It does this by maximizing several key drying parameters. The underlying science is actually fairly complicated and difficult for the average person to understand, but everyone can see...

Laundry Detergent Not Required?
A very interesting article in the Wall Street Journal discussed how many people use too much laundry detergent. Not only does this waste money, it actually leads to worse cleaning results, can cause odors and even damage your washing machine. With new high-efficiency detergents and washers, it’s even much more critical...

Wonderwash Off Grid Washing Machine
The Wonderwash is a popular off grid washing machine. It is a hand-cranked machine that has no motor or internal moving parts, so you don’t need any power to operate it. Nor is any maintenance required. Due to the simple design, there is not that much that can go wrong leading...

Inflatable Mini Washing Machine Invention
Several years ago, a company named Astone developed a really cool inflatable mini washing machine. Currently, even the smallest mini washers including our Wonderwash are too large for travel, unless you are in an RV. However this invention uses a novel approach by making the 4 walls out of an inflatable...

A Compact Washing Machine is the Perfect Solution for New Moms
Think about how often babies have accidents, spill food on themselves, get into things, and spit up? You can’t just put that stuff aside and deal with it another day, all of your baby blankets, burp clothes, and baby clothes have to be cleaned and ready to go in case you need...

Hand Washing Machine
It’s not commonly known, but if done properly washing clothes by hand works better than even the best, top of the line washing machines. While we don’t doubt the washing machine’s contribution to society, it’s certainly an interesting fact. Dyson spent a great deal of time and money developing a “hand...

Chinese Student Invents Folding Compact Washing Machine
A Chinese student has developed folding compact washing machine for small spaces, traveling, etc. The base itself- which contains the motor- is fixed, but the washing compartment can be folded down for storage or transportation. To save space, it uses an impeller rather than an agitator. The folding washer was invented...

Buying Mini Washing Machine
Mini washing machines come in handy in many situations. They can wash small loads, in apartments, RV’s and on boats. They can also be used for washing diapers, as you can keep them separate from other loads. They take up much less space than a regular washer, and don’t require a...