
How to Find a Septic Tank
How to Locate a Septic Tank It is not easy to find a septic tank. The first thing to do is contact the local health/zoning office to see if they have a plan on record. If the system is fairly new you have a chance, but many states didn’t start keeping records until...

Laundry Chute Information
Laundry Chute Information Laundry chutes can be a very convenient way of transporting dirty clothes to the laundry room. However, some people are concerned that laundry chutes might be a fire hazard, helping spread flames upward. Are they? Here is what some experts have to say on the topic: “They...

Mound Septic System Information
Mound Septic System Information Page A mound septic system is used for aberrant soil conditions. In order for effluent (waste water) to be completely treated it must pass slowly through 3 feet of dry soil. If you have a high water table, lets say at 1 foot below the surface, you need to bring...

Dual Compartment Septic Tank
Some experts believe that a dual compartment septic tank does a better job of settling solids than a single compartment septic tank. A dual compartment septic tank has two compartments. The first is usually longer, about twice as large as the second compartment. One of the disadvantages is that a dual compartment...

Drain Field Ground Water
Drain field ground water problems are pretty common in this country. This is particularly true of shallow ground water. The people that get really sick from it are the young (because their immune systems are not fully developed), the old (because their immune systems are getting weak) and people that...

Conventional Septic System
Advantages of a conventional septic system: - Lower cost - Simple design, no pumps to burn out or clog up - Septic contractors familiar with design Disadvantages of a conventional septic system: Not all locations are suitable for conventional septic systems. These reasons include but are not limited to lack of...

Concrete Septic Tank
Concrete septic tanks are used in most septic systems. One of the main advantages they have over fiberglass and plastic septic tanks is that they are less prone to “floating” due to the fact they are much heavier. Concrete septic tanks do have one main drawback. Because they are much...

Commercial Septic System
Commercial septic systems are similar to residential septic systems in some ways. For example, they are both used in areas not served by municipal sewer systems. However, there are some special considerations to be taken into account, such as: - Higher volumes and/or faster flow - Harsher cleaners and chemical...

What is a cesspool? A cesspool is an underground pit into which sewage is discharged. They used to be the standard type of household waste disposal system and still can be found in older homes. There are a number of problems associated with cesspools. First of all, cesspools do not do a...

Chamber Septic System
Chamber Septic System Information Page In a traditional system the trench is filled with gravel. The uneven shape of the gravel performs 2 functions: - The voids in between the gravel are filled with oxygen (most of the time) and these pockets of oxygen allow aerobic bacteria to exist. -...

Biodegradable Detergent
The vast majority of detergents, particularly the brand name detergents, are not biodegrable. They contain chemicals such optical brighteners, dyes, artificial fragrances, and a number of other non-natural ingredients. You can read about this in more detail in our laundry detergent ingredients article. In general, if the ingredients contain words like “ionic...

Agitator Washer
In top-loading machines, the washer’s agitator moves the clothes in water and detergent to get them clean. The agitator also helps remove detergent from the clothes during the rinse cycle. The agitator typically turns clockwise about 3/4 of a revolution, then reverses direction. This process moves the clothes down the...