We believe that conventional clothes dryer technology is stuck in the past. Traditional laundry machines are essentially the same machines used since the 1950s. The alarming fact is that most dryers can’t be awarded an energy star rating, which means your energy is much higher than it should be. While conventional machines use high amounts of energy and report poor longevity, our electric clothes dryers are so simply made, they hardly ever need repairs.
Our compact dryers are incredibly affordable and can be over 100 times more energy efficient. A rapid spin speed is much gentler on the clothes than a heated tumble dryer. Our newest model, the Nina Soft, uses even less power than our previous models- which were already extremely energy efficient.
We provide the only counter top mini spin dryer on the market. No installation is required, and it spin dries a load in only 2-3 minutes. It’s powerful 1600rpm speed runs surprisingly quietly, allowing you to use it anywhere you can find a simple household power outlet.
Small spaces that can’t accommodate large machines like apartments will greatly benefit from a portable electric clothes dryer. Our products are perfect for small loads that you wash frequently like delicate and cloth diapers.
Customers who previously had to haul loads more than once a week to an expensive laundry mat now have the convenience of being able to dry their small loads at home. View our selection on compact clothes dryers for more information.