Septic Tank Care

By Corey Tournet August 23, 2018

A septic system filter from Laundry Alternative is specially designed to drastically reduce the amount of lint build up in your drain field. It’s not commonly known, but lint is one of the main causes of septic system failure. A conventional washing machine produces enough lint each year to carpet a living room, but because it’s out of sight, out of mind, most people are not aware of the danger it poses. Lint settling in the septic tank is not a problem, as it will get removed when the septic tank is pumped. However as it’s very small and lightweight, a good percentage of the lint won’t settle in the tank, but rather stays in suspension, gets flushed out to the drain field and plugs it up.

Other filters are cheaper, but as they remove a mere 5% of the lint at most, they are also ineffective. Would you buy brakes pads for your car that only stop the car 5% of what is needed? Our Filtrol 160 septic protector allows you to wash your clothes without worrying about damaging your drain field.

The length of the hose on the Filtrol system is conveniently measured to six feet long for maximum access. The device is compact, only about a cubic foot in size. The filter is cleverly designed with internal bypass holes allowing water to bypass the filter if it gets clogged. While it won’t filter lint if full, this prevents water from spilling all over the floor if you forget to change the filter.

Your septic tank needs protection from non-biodegradable materials like polyester and nylon from your clothes. Catching these materials in the filter before they enter your septic system helps maintain a healthy environment for all.

Installation of the filter is easy and takes 15 minutes at the most. Without a good means to protect your drain field from lint buildup, it may be come easily clogged and will require costly maintenance…in many cases, ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 or more.  Proper Septic tank carewill allow you to avoid these types of large, unexpected expenses.

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